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What We Believe
What We Believe
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This is a brief explanation of what Core Convictions are, and why they are important to us. This is a brief explanation of what Core Convictions are, and why they are important to us. This is a brief explanation of what Core Convictions are, and why they are important to us.
This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.
This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.
This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.
This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.This text should serve to give an explanation of what we mean by the core conviction. and how it applies to who we are and what we do.
Confessional Statement
We embrace a fundamentally evangelical and reformed identity. Our confessional statement is adapted from the foundational documents of the Gospel Coalition.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who know, love, and glorify one another. This one true and living God is infinitely perfect both in his love and in his holiness. He is the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy to receive all glory and adoration. Immortal and eternal, he perfectly and exhaustively knows the end from the beginning, sustains and sovereignly rules over all things, and providentially brings about his eternal good purposes to redeem a people for himself and restore his fallen creation, to the praise of his glorious grace.
God has graciously disclosed his existence and power in the created order, and has supremely revealed himself to fallen human beings in the person of his Son, the incarnate Word. Moreover, this God is a speaking God who by his Spirit has graciously disclosed himself in human words: we believe that God has inspired the words preserved in the Scriptures, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, which are both record and means of his saving work in the world. These writings alone constitute the verbally inspired Word of God, which is utterly authoritative and without error in the original writings, complete in its revelation of his will for salvation, sufficient for all that God requires us to believe and do, and final in its authority over every domain of knowledge to which it speaks. We confess that both our finitude and our sinfulness preclude the possibility of knowing God’s truth exhaustively, but we affirm that, enlightened by the Spirit of God, we can know God’s revealed truth truly. The Bible is to be believed, as God’s instruction, in all that it teaches; obeyed, as God’s command, in all that it requires; and trusted, as God’s pledge, in all that it promises. As God’s people hear, believe, and do the Word, they are equipped as disciples of Christ and witnesses to the gospel.
We believe that God created human beings, male and female, in his own image. Adam and Eve belonged to the created order that God himself declared to be very good, serving as God’s agents to care for, manage, and govern creation, living in holy and devoted fellowship with their Maker. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Christ Jesus and are both called to move beyond passive self-indulgence to significant private and public engagement in family, church, and civic life. Adam and Eve were made to complement each other in a one-flesh union that establishes the only normative pattern of sexual relations for men and women, such that marriage ultimately serves as a type of the union between Christ and his church. In God’s wise purposes, men and women are not simply interchangeable, but rather they complement each other in mutually enriching ways. God ordains that they assume distinctive roles which reflect the loving relationship between Christ and the church, the husband exercising headship in a way that displays the caring, sacrificial love of Christ, and the wife submitting to her husband in a way that models the love of the church for her Lord. In the ministry of the church, both men and women are encouraged to serve Christ and to be developed to their full potential in the manifold ministries of the people of God. The distinctive leadership role within the church given to qualified men is grounded in creation, fall, and redemption and must not be sidelined by appeals to cultural developments
We believe that Adam, made in the image of God, distorted that image and forfeited his original blessedness—for himself and all his progeny—by falling into sin through Satan’s temptation. As a result, all human beings are alienated from God, corrupted in every aspect of their being (e.g., physically, mentally, volitionally, emotionally, spiritually) and condemned finally and irrevocably to death—apart from God’s own gracious intervention. The supreme need of all human beings is to be reconciled to the God under whose just and holy wrath we stand; the only hope of all human beings is the undeserved love of this same God, who alone can rescue us and restore us to himself.