Taproot exists to make disciples of all nations. One of the primary engines that drives disciple making is the intentional practice of church planting. Taproot is a church that plants churches.
After ten years of faithfully planting the gospel in the community of Burien, we believe the Braga family is being called by the Holy Spirit to plant another church. Through months of intensive prayer together as a faith community, Taproot is commissioning and sending the Bragas to join an apostolic team in the urban core of San Diego to help plant Park Hill Church.
Thank you so much for your prayers and investment in these Kingdom endeavors. Only through the collective efforts, prayers, and generosity of the body of Christ will the Kingdom continue to expand. Your gift to this church plant and this family will bear fruit through all of eternity.
- Online giving available. Donations can be set up on an auto-deduct via the "Make a Donation" tab below
- Fund Title: parkhillplant/danbraga
- Mail gifts to: PO Box 48239 Burien WA 98148
- Memo: parkhillplant/danbraga